diff --git a/keyboards/tada68/keymaps/default/keymap.c b/keyboards/tada68/keymaps/default/keymap.c
index ef267348d20..d6cba7e1c59 100755
--- a/keyboards/tada68/keymaps/default/keymap.c
+++ b/keyboards/tada68/keymaps/default/keymap.c
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
    * ,----------------------------------------------------------------.
    * |   | F1|F2 |F3 |F4 |F5 |F6 |F7 |F8 |F9 |F10|F11|F12|Del    |Ins |
    * |----------------------------------------------------------------|
-   * |     |   |Up |   |   |RGB|MOD|HU-|HU+|SA-|SA+|VA-|VA+|     |Hme |
+   * |     |   |Up |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |     |Hme |
    * |----------------------------------------------------------------|
    * |      |<- |Dn | ->|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |        |End |
    * |----------------------------------------------------------------|
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
   _______, KC_F1 ,KC_F2, KC_F3, KC_F4, KC_F5, KC_F6, KC_F7, KC_F8, KC_F9, KC_F10, KC_F11, KC_F12, KC_DEL, KC_INS ,  \
-  _______,_______,_______,_______, KC_UP, RGB_TOG,RGB_MOD,RGB_HUI,RGB_HUD,RGB_SAI,RGB_SAD,RGB_VAI,RGB_VAD, _______,KC_HOME, \
+  _______,_______,_______,_______, KC_UP, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______, _______,KC_HOME, \
   _______,KC_LEFT,KC_DOWN,KC_RIGHT,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,        _______,KC_END, \
   _______,_______,_______,BL_DEC, BL_TOGG,BL_INC, _______,KC_VOLD,KC_VOLU,KC_MUTE,_______,KC_BTN1, KC_MS_U, KC_BTN2, \
   _______,_______,_______,                 _______,               _______,_______,_______,KC_MS_L,KC_MS_D, KC_MS_R),
diff --git a/keyboards/tada68/keymaps/rgb/Makefile b/keyboards/tada68/keymaps/rgb/Makefile
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..ee94a67b4ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/tada68/keymaps/rgb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Build Options
+#   change to "no" to disable the options, or define them in the Makefile in 
+#   the appropriate keymap folder that will get included automatically
+BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = no       # Virtual DIP switch configuration(+1000)
+MOUSEKEY_ENABLE = yes       # Mouse keys(+4700)
+EXTRAKEY_ENABLE = yes       # Audio control and System control(+450)
+CONSOLE_ENABLE = no         # Console for debug(+400)
+COMMAND_ENABLE = yes        # Commands for debug and configuration
+NKRO_ENABLE = yes           # Nkey Rollover - if this doesn't work, see here: https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard/wiki/FAQ#nkro-doesnt-work
+BACKLIGHT_ENABLE = yes       # Enable keyboard backlight functionality
+MIDI_ENABLE = no            # MIDI controls
+AUDIO_ENABLE = no           # Audio output on port C6
+UNICODE_ENABLE = no         # Unicode
+BLUETOOTH_ENABLE = no       # Enable Bluetooth with the Adafruit EZ-Key HID
+RGBLIGHT_ENABLE = yes        # Enable WS2812 RGB underlight.  Do not enable this with audio at the same time.
+SLEEP_LED_ENABLE = no       # Breathing sleep LED during USB suspend
+	include ../../../../Makefile
diff --git a/keyboards/tada68/keymaps/rgb/keymap.c b/keyboards/tada68/keymaps/rgb/keymap.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..ef267348d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/tada68/keymaps/rgb/keymap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#include "tada68.h"
+// Each layer gets a name for readability, which is then used in the keymap matrix below.
+// The underscores don't mean anything - you can have a layer called STUFF or any other name.
+// Layer names don't all need to be of the same length, obviously, and you can also skip them
+// entirely and just use numbers.
+#define _BL 0
+#define _FL 1
+#define _______ KC_TRNS
+const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
+  /* Keymap _BL: (Base Layer) Default Layer
+   * ,----------------------------------------------------------------.
+   * |Esc | 1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9|  0|  -|  =|Backsp |~ ` |
+   * |----------------------------------------------------------------|
+   * |Tab  |  Q|  W|  E|  R|  T|  Y|  U|  I|  O|  P|  [|  ]|  \  |Del |
+   * |----------------------------------------------------------------|
+   * |CAPS   |  A|  S|  D|  F|  G|  H|  J|  K|  L|  ;|  '|Return |PgUp|
+   * |----------------------------------------------------------------|
+   * |Shift   |  Z|  X|  C|  V|  B|  N|  M|  ,|  .|  /|Shift | Up|PgDn|
+   * |----------------------------------------------------------------|
+   * |Ctrl|Win |Alt |        Space          |Alt| FN|Ctrl|Lef|Dow|Rig |
+   * `----------------------------------------------------------------'
+   */
+  KC_ESC,    KC_1,   KC_2,   KC_3,   KC_4,   KC_5,   KC_6,   KC_7,   KC_8,   KC_9,   KC_0,   KC_MINS, KC_EQL, KC_BSPC,KC_GRV, \
+  KC_TAB,  KC_Q,   KC_W,   KC_E,   KC_R,   KC_T,   KC_Y,   KC_U,   KC_I,   KC_O,   KC_P,   KC_LBRC, KC_RBRC,KC_BSLS,KC_DEL, \
+  KC_CAPS, KC_A,   KC_S,   KC_D,   KC_F,   KC_G,   KC_H,   KC_J,   KC_K,   KC_L,   KC_SCLN,KC_QUOT,         KC_ENT,KC_PGUP,  \
+  KC_LSFT,         KC_Z,   KC_X,   KC_C,   KC_V,   KC_B,   KC_N,   KC_M,   KC_COMM,KC_DOT, KC_SLSH,   KC_RSFT,KC_UP,KC_PGDN, \
+  KC_LCTL, KC_LGUI,KC_LALT,                KC_SPC,                        KC_RALT,MO(_FL),KC_RCTRL, KC_LEFT,KC_DOWN,KC_RGHT),
+  /* Keymap _FL: Function Layer
+   * ,----------------------------------------------------------------.
+   * |   | F1|F2 |F3 |F4 |F5 |F6 |F7 |F8 |F9 |F10|F11|F12|Del    |Ins |
+   * |----------------------------------------------------------------|
+   * |     |   |Up |   |   |RGB|MOD|HU-|HU+|SA-|SA+|VA-|VA+|     |Hme |
+   * |----------------------------------------------------------------|
+   * |      |<- |Dn | ->|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |        |End |
+   * |----------------------------------------------------------------|
+   * |        |   |   |Bl-|BL |BL+|   |VU-|VU+|MUT|   |   McL|MsU|McR |
+   * |----------------------------------------------------------------|
+   * |    |    |    |                       |   |   |    |MsL|MsD|MsR |
+   * `----------------------------------------------------------------'
+   */
+  _______, KC_F1 ,KC_F2, KC_F3, KC_F4, KC_F5, KC_F6, KC_F7, KC_F8, KC_F9, KC_F10, KC_F11, KC_F12, KC_DEL, KC_INS ,  \
+  _______,_______,_______,_______, KC_UP, RGB_TOG,RGB_MOD,RGB_HUI,RGB_HUD,RGB_SAI,RGB_SAD,RGB_VAI,RGB_VAD, _______,KC_HOME, \
+  _______,KC_LEFT,KC_DOWN,KC_RIGHT,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,        _______,KC_END, \
+  _______,_______,_______,BL_DEC, BL_TOGG,BL_INC, _______,KC_VOLD,KC_VOLU,KC_MUTE,_______,KC_BTN1, KC_MS_U, KC_BTN2, \
+  _______,_______,_______,                 _______,               _______,_______,_______,KC_MS_L,KC_MS_D, KC_MS_R),
diff --git a/keyboards/tada68/keymaps/rgb/readme.md b/keyboards/tada68/keymaps/rgb/readme.md
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..fb5a5abd0c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/tada68/keymaps/rgb/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# RGB on the TADA68
+This board has unused pins, which means that you can add some nice RGB leds, although they have no use at this momen because not a single transparent case has been made yet. Here's where you have to solder the wires on the PCB:
+![Image of solder points for RGB on the Tada68](http://i.imgur.com/5Xmiz6Q.jpg)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/keyboards/tada68/readme.md b/keyboards/tada68/readme.md
index d7374d384ed..dbe2fdca1b0 100755
--- a/keyboards/tada68/readme.md
+++ b/keyboards/tada68/readme.md
@@ -12,8 +12,4 @@ $ make flashbin
 4) Delete `FLASH.BIN` from the TADA drive and copy `tada68_default.bin` that was generated at the root of the qmk directory into the TADA drive.
-5) Hit ESC on the keyboard. The lights will stop flashing and your firmware is loaded!
-## RGB
-This board has unused pins, which means that you can add some nice RGB leds, although they have no use at this moment. Not a single transparent case has been made yet. Here's where you have to solder the wires on the PCB:
-![Image of solder points for RGB on the Tada68](http://i.imgur.com/5Xmiz6Q.jpg)
\ No newline at end of file
+5) Hit ESC on the keyboard. The lights will stop flashing and your firmware is loaded!
\ No newline at end of file