"""Functions that help you work with QMK keymaps. """ from pathlib import Path import json import subprocess from pygments.lexers.c_cpp import CLexer from pygments.token import Token from pygments import lex from milc import cli from qmk.keyboard import rules_mk import qmk.path import qmk.commands # The `keymap.c` template to use when a keyboard doesn't have its own DEFAULT_KEYMAP_C = """#include QMK_KEYBOARD_H /* THIS FILE WAS GENERATED! * * This file was generated by qmk json2c. You may or may not want to * edit it directly. */ const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = { __KEYMAP_GOES_HERE__ }; """ def template(keyboard, type='c'): """Returns the `keymap.c` or `keymap.json` template for a keyboard. If a template exists in `keyboards/<keyboard>/templates/keymap.c` that text will be used instead of `DEFAULT_KEYMAP_C`. If a template exists in `keyboards/<keyboard>/templates/keymap.json` that text will be used instead of an empty dictionary. Args: keyboard The keyboard to return a template for. type 'json' for `keymap.json` and 'c' (or anything else) for `keymap.c` """ if type == 'json': template_file = Path('keyboards/%s/templates/keymap.json' % keyboard) template = {'keyboard': keyboard} if template_file.exists(): template.update(json.loads(template_file.read_text())) else: template_file = Path('keyboards/%s/templates/keymap.c' % keyboard) if template_file.exists(): template = template_file.read_text() else: template = DEFAULT_KEYMAP_C return template def _strip_any(keycode): """Remove ANY() from a keycode. """ if keycode.startswith('ANY(') and keycode.endswith(')'): keycode = keycode[4:-1] return keycode def is_keymap_dir(keymap): """Return True if Path object `keymap` has a keymap file inside. """ for file in ('keymap.c', 'keymap.json'): if (keymap / file).is_file(): return True def generate(keyboard, layout, layers, type='c', keymap=None): """Returns a `keymap.c` or `keymap.json` for the specified keyboard, layout, and layers. Args: keyboard The name of the keyboard layout The LAYOUT macro this keymap uses. layers An array of arrays describing the keymap. Each item in the inner array should be a string that is a valid QMK keycode. type 'json' for `keymap.json` and 'c' (or anything else) for `keymap.c` """ new_keymap = template(keyboard, type) if type == 'json': new_keymap['keymap'] = keymap new_keymap['layout'] = layout new_keymap['layers'] = layers else: layer_txt = [] for layer_num, layer in enumerate(layers): if layer_num != 0: layer_txt[-1] = layer_txt[-1] + ',' layer = map(_strip_any, layer) layer_keys = ', '.join(layer) layer_txt.append('\t[%s] = %s(%s)' % (layer_num, layout, layer_keys)) keymap = '\n'.join(layer_txt) new_keymap = new_keymap.replace('__KEYMAP_GOES_HERE__', keymap) return new_keymap def write(keyboard, keymap, layout, layers, type='c'): """Generate the `keymap.c` and write it to disk. Returns the filename written to. Args: keyboard The name of the keyboard keymap The name of the keymap layout The LAYOUT macro this keymap uses. layers An array of arrays describing the keymap. Each item in the inner array should be a string that is a valid QMK keycode. type 'json' for `keymap.json` and 'c' (or anything else) for `keymap.c` """ keymap_content = generate(keyboard, layout, layers, type) if type == 'json': keymap_file = qmk.path.keymap(keyboard) / keymap / 'keymap.json' keymap_content = json.dumps(keymap_content) else: keymap_file = qmk.path.keymap(keyboard) / keymap / 'keymap.c' keymap_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) keymap_file.write_text(keymap_content) cli.log.info('Wrote keymap to {fg_cyan}%s', keymap_file) return keymap_file def locate_keymap(keyboard, keymap): """Returns the path to a keymap for a specific keyboard. """ if not qmk.path.is_keyboard(keyboard): raise KeyError('Invalid keyboard: ' + repr(keyboard)) # Check the keyboard folder first, last match wins checked_dirs = '' keymap_path = '' for dir in keyboard.split('/'): if checked_dirs: checked_dirs = '/'.join((checked_dirs, dir)) else: checked_dirs = dir keymap_dir = Path('keyboards') / checked_dirs / 'keymaps' if (keymap_dir / keymap / 'keymap.c').exists(): keymap_path = keymap_dir / keymap / 'keymap.c' if (keymap_dir / keymap / 'keymap.json').exists(): keymap_path = keymap_dir / keymap / 'keymap.json' if keymap_path: return keymap_path # Check community layouts as a fallback rules = rules_mk(keyboard) if "LAYOUTS" in rules: for layout in rules["LAYOUTS"].split(): community_layout = Path('layouts/community') / layout / keymap if community_layout.exists(): if (community_layout / 'keymap.json').exists(): return community_layout / 'keymap.json' if (community_layout / 'keymap.c').exists(): return community_layout / 'keymap.c' def list_keymaps(keyboard): """ List the available keymaps for a keyboard. Args: keyboard: the keyboards full name with vendor and revision if necessary, example: clueboard/66/rev3 Returns: a set with the names of the available keymaps """ # parse all the rules.mk files for the keyboard rules = rules_mk(keyboard) names = set() if rules: # qmk_firmware/keyboards keyboards_dir = Path('keyboards') # path to the keyboard's directory kb_path = keyboards_dir / keyboard # walk up the directory tree until keyboards_dir # and collect all directories' name with keymap.c file in it while kb_path != keyboards_dir: keymaps_dir = kb_path / "keymaps" if keymaps_dir.exists(): names = names.union([keymap.name for keymap in keymaps_dir.iterdir() if is_keymap_dir(keymap)]) kb_path = kb_path.parent # if community layouts are supported, get them if "LAYOUTS" in rules: for layout in rules["LAYOUTS"].split(): cl_path = Path('layouts/community') / layout if cl_path.exists(): names = names.union([keymap.name for keymap in cl_path.iterdir() if is_keymap_dir(keymap)]) return sorted(names) def _c_preprocess(path): """ Run a file through the C pre-processor Args: path: path of the keymap.c file Returns: the stdout of the pre-processor """ pre_processed_keymap = qmk.commands.run(['cpp', path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) return pre_processed_keymap.stdout def _get_layers(keymap): # noqa C901 : until someone has a good idea how to simplify/split up this code """ Find the layers in a keymap.c file. Args: keymap: the content of the keymap.c file Returns: a dictionary containing the parsed keymap """ layers = list() opening_braces = '({[' closing_braces = ')}]' keymap_certainty = brace_depth = 0 is_keymap = is_layer = is_adv_kc = False layer = dict(name=False, layout=False, keycodes=list()) for line in lex(keymap, CLexer()): if line[0] is Token.Name: if is_keymap: # If we are inside the keymap array # we know the keymap's name and the layout macro will come, # followed by the keycodes if not layer['name']: if line[1].startswith('LAYOUT') or line[1].startswith('KEYMAP'): # This can happen if the keymap array only has one layer, # for macropads and such layer['name'] = '0' layer['layout'] = line[1] else: layer['name'] = line[1] elif not layer['layout']: layer['layout'] = line[1] elif is_layer: # If we are inside a layout macro, # collect all keycodes if line[1] == '_______': kc = 'KC_TRNS' elif line[1] == 'XXXXXXX': kc = 'KC_NO' else: kc = line[1] if is_adv_kc: # If we are inside an advanced keycode # collect everything and hope the user # knew what he/she was doing layer['keycodes'][-1] += kc else: layer['keycodes'].append(kc) # The keymaps array's signature: # const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] # # Only if we've found all 6 keywords in this specific order # can we know for sure that we are inside the keymaps array elif line[1] == 'PROGMEM' and keymap_certainty == 2: keymap_certainty = 3 elif line[1] == 'keymaps' and keymap_certainty == 3: keymap_certainty = 4 elif line[1] == 'MATRIX_ROWS' and keymap_certainty == 4: keymap_certainty = 5 elif line[1] == 'MATRIX_COLS' and keymap_certainty == 5: keymap_certainty = 6 elif line[0] is Token.Keyword: if line[1] == 'const' and keymap_certainty == 0: keymap_certainty = 1 elif line[0] is Token.Keyword.Type: if line[1] == 'uint16_t' and keymap_certainty == 1: keymap_certainty = 2 elif line[0] is Token.Punctuation: if line[1] in opening_braces: brace_depth += 1 if is_keymap: if is_layer: # We found the beginning of a non-basic keycode is_adv_kc = True layer['keycodes'][-1] += line[1] elif line[1] == '(' and brace_depth == 2: # We found the beginning of a layer is_layer = True elif line[1] == '{' and keymap_certainty == 6: # We found the beginning of the keymaps array is_keymap = True elif line[1] in closing_braces: brace_depth -= 1 if is_keymap: if is_adv_kc: layer['keycodes'][-1] += line[1] if brace_depth == 2: # We found the end of a non-basic keycode is_adv_kc = False elif line[1] == ')' and brace_depth == 1: # We found the end of a layer is_layer = False layers.append(layer) layer = dict(name=False, layout=False, keycodes=list()) elif line[1] == '}' and brace_depth == 0: # We found the end of the keymaps array is_keymap = False keymap_certainty = 0 elif is_adv_kc: # Advanced keycodes can contain other punctuation # e.g.: MT(MOD_LCTL | MOD_LSFT, KC_ESC) layer['keycodes'][-1] += line[1] elif line[0] is Token.Literal.Number.Integer and is_keymap and not is_adv_kc: # If the pre-processor finds the 'meaning' of the layer names, # they will be numbers if not layer['name']: layer['name'] = line[1] else: # We only care about # operators and such if we # are inside an advanced keycode # e.g.: MT(MOD_LCTL | MOD_LSFT, KC_ESC) if is_adv_kc: layer['keycodes'][-1] += line[1] return layers def parse_keymap_c(keymap_file, use_cpp=True): """ Parse a keymap.c file. Currently only cares about the keymaps array. Args: keymap_file: path of the keymap.c file use_cpp: if True, pre-process the file with the C pre-processor Returns: a dictionary containing the parsed keymap """ if use_cpp: keymap_file = _c_preprocess(keymap_file) else: keymap_file = keymap_file.read_text() keymap = dict() keymap['layers'] = _get_layers(keymap_file) return keymap def c2json(keyboard, keymap, keymap_file, use_cpp=True): """ Convert keymap.c to keymap.json Args: keyboard: The name of the keyboard keymap: The name of the keymap layout: The LAYOUT macro this keymap uses. keymap_file: path of the keymap.c file use_cpp: if True, pre-process the file with the C pre-processor Returns: a dictionary in keymap.json format """ keymap_json = parse_keymap_c(keymap_file, use_cpp) dirty_layers = keymap_json.pop('layers', None) keymap_json['layers'] = list() for layer in dirty_layers: layer.pop('name') layout = layer.pop('layout') if not keymap_json.get('layout', False): keymap_json['layout'] = layout keymap_json['layers'].append(layer.pop('keycodes')) keymap_json['keyboard'] = keyboard keymap_json['keymap'] = keymap return keymap_json