"""Utility functions.
import contextlib
import multiprocessing
import sys

from milc import cli

maybe_exit_should_exit = True
maybe_exit_reraise = False

# Controls whether or not early `exit()` calls should be made
def maybe_exit(rc):
    if maybe_exit_should_exit:
    if maybe_exit_reraise:
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        if e:
            raise e

def maybe_exit_config(should_exit: bool = True, should_reraise: bool = False):
    global maybe_exit_should_exit
    global maybe_exit_reraise
    maybe_exit_should_exit = should_exit
    maybe_exit_reraise = should_reraise

def parallelize():
    """Returns a function that can be used in place of a map() call.

    Attempts to use `mpire`, falling back to `multiprocessing` if it's not
    available. If parallelization is not requested, returns the original map()

    # Work out if we've already got a config value for parallel searching
    if cli.config.user.parallel_search is None:
        parallel_search = True
        parallel_search = cli.config.user.parallel_search

    # Non-parallel searches use `map()`
    if not parallel_search:
        yield map

    # Prefer mpire's `WorkerPool` if it's available
    with contextlib.suppress(ImportError):
        from mpire import WorkerPool
        from mpire.utils import make_single_arguments
        with WorkerPool() as pool:

            def _worker(func, *args):
                # Ensure we don't unpack tuples -- mpire's `WorkerPool` tries to do so normally so we tell it not to.
                for r in pool.imap_unordered(func, make_single_arguments(*args, generator=False), progress_bar=True):
                    yield r

            yield _worker

    # Otherwise fall back to multiprocessing's `Pool`
    with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool:
        yield pool.imap_unordered

def parallel_map(*args, **kwargs):
    """Effectively runs `map()` but executes it in parallel if necessary.
    with parallelize() as map_fn:
        # This needs to be enclosed in a `list()` as some implementations return
        # a generator function, which means the scope of the pool is closed off
        # before the results are returned. Returning a list ensures results are
        # materialised before any worker pool is shut down.
        return list(map_fn(*args, **kwargs))