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2016-04-05 19:25:56 +02:00
.gitignore Add README and code for pubIp 2016-02-28 14:21:43 +01:00 added multi user support 2016-04-05 18:50:36 +02:00 Update 2016-04-05 19:25:56 +02:00


Simple dynamic DNS resolver which works with Tomato and requires Python 3.

Setup in Tomato

  1. In the left menu under Basic -> DDNS set "auto-refresh every" to e.g. 1 days.
  2. In the Service dropdown choose: Custom URL.
  3. Add URL to where you have this service running: http://YOUR_SERVER.TLD/update/YOUR_KEY/@IP.
  4. Check Force next update.
  5. Hit Save.
  6. Verify Last IP Address and Last Result
  7. Point your browser to http://YOUR_SERVER.TLD/show/YOUR_KEY to see what YOUR_KEY is bound to.
  8. Or check if redirects works as intended with http://YOUR_SERVER.TLD/go/YOUR_KEY/PORT.



Shows the current IP that is set for key :user.


Updates the current IP.

:ip must match the request client address.


This redirects you to whatever IP that :user is set to along with :port.


All state is in-memory. If service restarts, there will be a delay (whatever you set auto-refresh to) before Tomato updates the IP.

Anyone can overwrite an added key. ._.