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ishtob 2cee371bf1 Haptic feedback generalized - DRV2605 and solenoids ()
* initial work to add eeprom to haptic feedback and decouple the feedback process from keyboards

* Haptic feedback enhancements: on/off toggle working, feedback order working
-work on modes switching
-get modes switching to save to eeprom

* haptic enhancement - eeprom and modes added

* Added set and get functions for haptic feedback

* initial implementation of solenoids under haptic feedback

* changed eeprom to 32 bits to reserve blocks for future features

* start documentation of haptic feedback

* change keycode per comment from reviewers

* typo fixes

* added eeprom for solenoid configs

* added solenoid and docs

* Add/fix default parameters configs, improve docs

* more doc cleanup

* add in solenoid buzz toggle, clean up doc

* some fixes for error in compiling solenoid

* fix a chibios specific i2c read function and added one for AVR controllers in DRV2605L.c

* fixes for avr side issues

* update keymap

* fix keymap compile error

* fix bugs found during solenoid testing

* set pin that is not powered during bootloader

* added warning about certain pins on the MCU may trip solenoid during DFU/bootloader
2019-02-16 18:39:30 -08:00

9.6 KiB

Haptic Feedback

Haptic feedback rules.mk options

The following options are currently available for haptic feedback in rule.mk:



Known Supported Hardware

Name Description
LV061228B-L65-A z-axis 2v LRA
Mini Motor Disc small 2-5v ERM

Haptic Keycodes

Not all keycodes below will work depending on which haptic mechanism you have chosen.

Name Description
HPT_ON Turn haptic feedback on
HPT_OFF Turn haptic feedback on
HPT_TOG Toggle haptic feedback on/off
HPT_RST Reset haptic feedback config to default
HPT_FBK Toggle feedback to occur on keypress, release or both
HPT_BUZ Toggle solenoid buzz on/off
HPT_MODI Go to next DRV2605L waveform
HPT_MODD Go to previous DRV2605L waveform
HPT_DWLI Increase Solenoid dwell time
HPT_DWLD Decrease Solenoid dwell time


First you will need a build a circuit to drive the solenoid through a mosfet as most MCU will not be able to provide the current needed to drive the coil in the solenoid.

Wiring diagram provided by Adafruit

Select a pin that has PWM for the signal pin

#define SOLENOID_PIN *pin*

Beware that some pins may be powered during bootloader (ie. A13 on the STM32F303 chip) and will result in the solenoid kept in the on state through the whole flashing process. This may overheat and damage the solenoid. If you find that the pin the solenoid is connected to is triggering the solenoid during bootloader/DFU, select another pin.


DRV2605L is controlled over i2c protocol, and has to be connected to the SDA and SCL pins, these varies depending on the MCU in use.

Feedback motor setup

This driver supports 2 different feedback motors. Set the following in your config.h based on which motor you have selected.


Eccentric Rotating Mass vibration motors (ERM) is motor with a off-set weight attached so when drive signal is attached, the off-set weight spins and causes a sinusoidal wave that translate into vibrations.

#define FB_ERM_LRA 0
#define FB_BRAKEFACTOR 3 /* For 1x:0, 2x:1, 3x:2, 4x:3, 6x:4, 8x:5, 16x:6, Disable Braking:7 */
#define FB_LOOPGAIN 1 /* For  Low:0, Medium:1, High:2, Very High:3 */

/* Please refer to your datasheet for the optimal setting for your specific motor. */
#define V_PEAK 5

Linear resonant actuators (LRA, also know as a linear vibrator) works different from a ERM. A LRA has a weight and magnet suspended by springs and a voice coil. When the drive signal is applied, the weight would be vibrate on a single axis (side to side or up and down). Since the weight is attached to a spring, there is a resonance effect at a specific frequency. This frequency is where the LRA will operate the most efficiently. Refer to the motor's datasheet for the recommanded range for this frequency.

#define FB_ERM_LRA 1
#define FB_BRAKEFACTOR 3 /* For 1x:0, 2x:1, 3x:2, 4x:3, 6x:4, 8x:5, 16x:6, Disable Braking:7 */
#define FB_LOOPGAIN 1 /* For  Low:0, Medium:1, High:2, Very High:3 */

/* Please refer to your datasheet for the optimal setting for your specific motor. */
#define V_PEAK 2.8
#define V_RMS 2.0 
#define V_PEAK 2.1
#define F_LRA 205 /* resonance freq */

DRV2605L waveform library

DRV2605L comes with preloaded library of various waveform sequences that can be called and played. If writing a macro, these waveforms can be played using DRV_pulse(*sequence name or number*)

List of waveform sequences from the datasheet:

seq# Sequence name seq# Sequence name seq# Sequence name
1 strong_click 43 lg_dblclick_med_60 85 transition_rampup_med_smooth2
2 strong_click_60 44 lg_dblsharp_tick 86 transition_rampup_short_smooth1
3 strong_click_30 45 lg_dblsharp_tick_80 87 transition_rampup_short_smooth2
4 sharp_click 46 lg_dblsharp_tick_60 88 transition_rampup_long_sharp1
5 sharp_click_60 47 buzz 89 transition_rampup_long_sharp2
6 sharp_click_30 48 buzz_80 90 transition_rampup_med_sharp1
7 soft_bump 49 buzz_60 91 transition_rampup_med_sharp2
8 soft_bump_60 50 buzz_40 92 transition_rampup_short_sharp1
9 soft_bump_30 51 buzz_20 93 transition_rampup_short_sharp2
10 dbl_click 52 pulsing_strong 94 transition_rampdown_long_smooth1_50
11 dbl_click_60 53 pulsing_strong_80 95 transition_rampdown_long_smooth2_50
12 trp_click 54 pulsing_medium 96 transition_rampdown_med_smooth1_50
13 soft_fuzz 55 pulsing_medium_80 97 transition_rampdown_med_smooth2_50
14 strong_buzz 56 pulsing_sharp 98 transition_rampdown_short_smooth1_50
15 alert_750ms 57 pulsing_sharp_80 99 transition_rampdown_short_smooth2_50
16 alert_1000ms 58 transition_click 100 transition_rampdown_long_sharp1_50
17 strong_click1 59 transition_click_80 101 transition_rampdown_long_sharp2_50
18 strong_click2_80 60 transition_click_60 102 transition_rampdown_med_sharp1_50
19 strong_click3_60 61 transition_click_40 103 transition_rampdown_med_sharp2_50
20 strong_click4_30 62 transition_click_20 104 transition_rampdown_short_sharp1_50
21 medium_click1 63 transition_click_10 105 transition_rampdown_short_sharp2_50
22 medium_click2_80 64 transition_hum 106 transition_rampup_long_smooth1_50
23 medium_click3_60 65 transition_hum_80 107 transition_rampup_long_smooth2_50
24 sharp_tick1 66 transition_hum_60 108 transition_rampup_med_smooth1_50
25 sharp_tick2_80 67 transition_hum_40 109 transition_rampup_med_smooth2_50
26 sharp_tick3_60 68 transition_hum_20 110 transition_rampup_short_smooth1_50
27 sh_dblclick_str 69 transition_hum_10 111 transition_rampup_short_smooth2_50
28 sh_dblclick_str_80 70 transition_rampdown_long_smooth1 112 transition_rampup_long_sharp1_50
29 sh_dblclick_str_60 71 transition_rampdown_long_smooth2 113 transition_rampup_long_sharp2_50
30 sh_dblclick_str_30 72 transition_rampdown_med_smooth1 114 transition_rampup_med_sharp1_50
31 sh_dblclick_med 73 transition_rampdown_med_smooth2 115 transition_rampup_med_sharp2_50
32 sh_dblclick_med_80 74 transition_rampdown_short_smooth1 116 transition_rampup_short_sharp1_50
33 sh_dblclick_med_60 75 transition_rampdown_short_smooth2 117 transition_rampup_short_sharp2_50
34 sh_dblsharp_tick 76 transition_rampdown_long_sharp1 118 long_buzz_for_programmatic_stopping
35 sh_dblsharp_tick_80 77 transition_rampdown_long_sharp2 119 smooth_hum1_50
36 sh_dblsharp_tick_60 78 transition_rampdown_med_sharp1 120 smooth_hum2_40
37 lg_dblclick_str 79 transition_rampdown_med_sharp2 121 smooth_hum3_30
38 lg_dblclick_str_80 80 transition_rampdown_short_sharp1 122 smooth_hum4_20
39 lg_dblclick_str_60 81 transition_rampdown_short_sharp2 123 smooth_hum5_10
40 lg_dblclick_str_30 82 transition_rampup_long_smooth1
41 lg_dblclick_med 83 transition_rampup_long_smooth2
42 lg_dblclick_med_80 84 transition_rampup_med_smooth1

Optional DRV2605L defines

#define DRV_GREETING *sequence name or number*

If haptic feedback is enabled, the keyboard will vibrate to a specific sqeuence during startup. That can be selected using the following define:

#define DRV_MODE_DEFAULT *sequence name or number*

This will set what sequence HPT_RST will set as the active mode. If not defined, mode will be set to 1 when HPT_RST is pressed.